Penulis dilahirkan di Garut pada tanggal 6 Februari 1989 yang merupakan anak keempat dari empat bersaudara keluarga pasangan Opan Koswara (Alm) dan Entit Rosita. Pada tahun 2001, penulis lulus dari Sekolah Dasar (SD) Negeri Ngamplang Sari IV, Garut. Pada Tahun 2004, penulis lulus dari Sekolah Menengah Pertama (SMP) Negeri 1 Cilawu dan pada tahun yang sama, penulis melanjutkan pendidikan ke Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA) Negeri 8 Garut dan lulus pada tahun 2007. Kemudian pada tahun 2008-2009 penulis bekerja di PT Aisin Indonesia bagian Produksi II sebagai operator. Pada tahun 2009, penulis diterima dan terdaftar sebagai mahasiswa di Jurusan Teknik dan Manajemen Industri Pertanian (TMIP) Fakultas Teknologi Industri Pertanian (FTIP) Universitas Padjadjaran.
Selama menjadi mahasiswa penulis pernah mengikuti organisasi kemahasiswaan, yaitu Kami Muslim FTIP sebagai anggota Bidang Mentoring. Selain itu pun pernah mengikuti beberapa kegiatan kemahasiswaan lainnya seperti kepanitiaan kepanitiaan PDKT TMIP. Pada tahun 2012 penulis melakukan praktek kerja lapangan di Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Permukiman dengan judul “Identifikasi Proses Pengujian Keausan Agregat dengan Menggunakan Mesin Abrasi Los Angeles”.
Pada tahun 2013, penulis melakukan penelitian dengan judul “Evaluasi Lahan Kritis Pada Kawasan Budidaya Usaha Pertanian Lahan Kering (Studi Kasus Sub DAS Cikamiri Kabupaten Garut)”.
Rikky Triyadi. 2013. Critical Land Evaluation in Upland Cultivation (Case Study in Cikamiri Sub Watershed District Garut). Under Guidance Boy Macklin Pareira P and Chay Asdak.
Cikamiri Sub Watershed is the part of Cimanuk Upstream Sub Watershed with 8.052,77 ha areas and through by Subdistrict Pasirwangi, Samarang, Tarogong Kidul, Leles and Garut Kota. Land use of this Sub Watershed is upland with 34.40 % which there mostly are steep land. Upland cultivation without accompanied with conservation of land will create critical land. The aim of this research to determine level, spread and kind of conservation of critical land at upland cultivation of Cikamiri Sub Watershed. This research use analysis descriptive which describe the level, spread and analysis the kinds of conservation of critical land of upland cultivation which analyzed using Geographic Information System (GIS). The result showed that upland cultivation have five level of critical land, such as no critical land about 72.96 ha (2.59%), potential critical about 1211.42 ha (43.08%), moderate critical 799.60 ha (28.43%), critical 722.43 ha (25.69%), very ciritical 5.71 ha (0.20%). Spread of critical land each other level, such as no critical land spread at Padaawas village, Barusari and Pasirwangi; potential critical spread to all of village, and Cisarua village have mostly potential critical about 348.48ha (28.27%). Moderate critical land spread all of village except Cinta Rakyat village and Cisarua village have mostly moderate critical about 303.57 ha (37.96%). Critical land spread all of village except Sukawangi and Cinta Rakyat village and Padaawas village have mostly by 210.63 ha (29.16%). Whereas, very critical land only spread in Barusari village with 2.65 ha (46.3%) and Padaawas village with 3.07 ha (53.07%). Conservation which could be done with furrow which parallel flow by slope and each length 4-5 m cut by furrow which parallel flow by contour. This conservation can reduce amount of erosion about 28-38% by consederation with furrow which parallel flow by slope.
Key words : Cikamiri Sub Watershed, Upland Cultivation, Critical Land, Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
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